Jess Thoubboron
Yvonne Rand
Roseminna Watson
Bruce McRae
Cameron Morse
Denise Massingill
E. J. Evans
Gabriella Garofalo
Jade Hancer
Jane Hirshfield
Jessica Mehta
John Grey
Judith Chalmer
Linda E. Goodliffe
M. S. Rooney
Michael Barrett
Robert Vivian
Sandra Kolankiewicz
Georg Koszulinski
Visual Arts
Carol Levy
Deborah Kennedy
Lorraine Capparell
Lynne Buschman
Meg Kaminski
Mira M. White
Art Literature Contemplation
Spring 2018 Leaping Clear
We’re filled with spring energy and happy to bring you the chance to enjoy another issue of accomplished artists, musicians, and writers. Their work invites us to look below the surfaces of our lives and the world, to contemplate what it means to be alive. We find ourselves enlivened as we perceive the images, hear the sounds, and apprehend the language in these works, created from intentional grounds of contemplative practice.
Yvonne Rand’s essay “On Seeing” is a profound account of what can happen when we engage deeply with an art form, in her case, a painting by Agnes Martin. Any art form, from literature to music, has this possibility, if the artist and the reader, listener, or viewer are completely present for the experience—of creating and of engaging.
“As I left the house I looked up into the early evening sky.
The sky was filled with layers of fog and clouds;
small patches of blue showed
and the last light of day lingered.
The grayness was incandescent and the color and light
mottled, layered, varied, changing.
The beauty of the evening sky elicited joy, and I knew that my seeing of that evening sky was a seeing directly made possible by my time seeing the Martin painting.”
We hope you enjoy the works in this issue, and that they enliven you in some way, perhaps even bring you joy.
2018 Spring Refreshing
As we continue into our second year of publication, we're reaching more and more people who tell us that Leaping Clear's celebration of the arts and meditative practices nourishes both their inner and outer lives. Thank you for joining us and for sharing the site.
We're delighted to feature one of our favorite poets,
Jane Hirshfield, in this issue. The power, insight, and beauty of her poems and essays amplify the deep place poetry holds in human history.
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Poetry by Jane Hirshfield
Music from “Limbic Hymnal” by Roseminna Watson
Poetry by Robert Vivian
Video by Georg Koszulinski