Carolyn Dille
Alyson Lie
Margery Cantor, Arts
Dick Walvis, Admin
Joe Hall, Design
Stephen Batchelor
Angie Boissevain
Peter Dale Scott
Anna Douglas
Norman Fischer
Jody Gladding
Jane Hirshfield
Enrico Natali
Michael Newhall
Gary Snyder
Alyson Lie, Editor, brings her talents as a writer and editor to all aspects of Leaping Clear, including doing our first podcast, managing our mailing list, and posting on social media. She has worked as a freelance copywriter and as a journalist for a social justice magazine. She currently earns her living as a personal care attendant and meditation instructor and is a participant in the 2019–2021 Spirit Rock Community Dharma Leader Program. She is a contributing editor at Catamaran Literary Reader, a national print journal of art and literature, which shares with Leaping Clear a beautiful aesthetic and high production values. Alyson lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Margery Cantor, Art Editor, has been instrumental in shaping the look of our magazine from the early days with our platform. She edits our contributor selection and invites wonderful artists she knows to contribute. Margery is a book and publication designer living in Vermont.
Carolyn Dille, Founding Editor, does a bit of everything, including blog writing, outreach and Submittable responses to contributors, keeping the editorial calendar, ad writing and placement. She has practiced and taught meditation in the Buddhist Insight and Soto Zen traditions for over twenty years and is now focusing on Zen teaching. She is a poet and is working on a prose book based on teaching meditation and creative expression retreats. Carolyn lives in Santa Cruz, California.
Dick Walvis, Web Administrator, contributes his digital skills and his fine metal-working eyes to creating the contributors’ pages. Dick is a former electronic engineer who also contributes ideas on work flow and new directions for the website. He makes silver and mixed-metal jewelry and is in the process of creating his own website to showcase it. Dick lives in Santa Cruz, California.
We are a group of volunteers that believes art of value is created freely and speaks to the deepest human aspirations. We’re ad-free and do not charge artists to submit work. We depend on the generosity of all who maintain Leaping Clear‘s web presence. If you’d like to contribute to these efforts by making a donation, we gratefully accept through our dedicated non-profit. Leaping Clear is incorporated as a 501.c3 tax-deductible public benefit organization with the U.S. government and the State of California. Our charitable ID# is 45-5164038.
If you have other ways to contribute, please contact us.
Thank you!