Gary Gach


Portrait or Landscape

To chart the panorama of your
gaze, the rolling contours of your definitive
face, & to scale as well the heights
& grace of the colossal waterfalls of your laughter
feeding fog-cloaked valleys
inland from uncharted seas
so surveying the planes of your portrait by foot
i cross a dry dusty border
in my biography thus far
stalked by the margins of the still blank pages
surrounded by spirits of the living & the dead
this place where I live with its cast of characters
precise as the silhouettes of its rock meanders.
We, the silent witnesses lending human scale.
Words, like dragon's teeth scattered in the soil. 



The road
Is the road

& its end is
On the road


Left home to
Study with the

Came back
How he ties his shoelaces


Thumbing at onramp
Fingering out haiku with
Hand in backpocket

Trails vanish fast
Others begin in a flash
Random sunsets without postcards


Notes of birds
Notes scribbled on a pad
Keeping company

Feet mark the beat
& backpack's pots
Clang the melody


Gary Gach

Gary Gach (1947 — ) was born in Los Angeles and lives in San Francisco. He is author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Buddhism, editor of What Book!?Buddha Poems from Beat to Hiphop, and translator from Korean of three books by Ko Un, Flowers of a Moment, Songs for Tomorrow, and Ten Thousand Lives. He hosts Mindfulness Fellowship, and swims in the Bay.